In this video, we’ll cover The Biggest Onpage Ecommerce SEO Ranking Factor you need to rank your online store at the top of Google search results. Understand why having a sufficient number of products in your online store is essential for improving your search rankings. Learn the role of well-structured category pages and how they significantly affect your store’s visibility in search results. In this lesson we use the tool Semrush. Get your Semrush PRO 14 day trial with all features.

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“The Biggest Onpage Ecommerce SEO Ranking Factor” Transcript
That is the main reason why this page is not going to make it inside the top 10. You can take this onto your journey and move faster than everyone else. Use the most important SEO tool which is...
The Role of a Certified Junior Ecommerce SEO & AI Specialist
Let's say you become a Junior Ecommerce SEO & AI Specialist. Going through the SEOLAXY SCHOOL, going through a certification program and becoming a certified Junior Ecommerce SEO & AI Specialist. And you start to work. So somebody believes you that you have the knowledge and wants to give you the opportunity to get some experience. You have only three situations where you will come into when you have a new employment or you have a new client. So you have an online store where, for most important keywords, the online store is not ranking at all inside Google, so not in the top 100, not even in the top 1000. That can have many reasons which we will also learn in one of the next lessons, but the other two situations are more often. If you join a company which is already existing and having an online store. They have one of those two problems most of the time. So the first problem is they cannot rank or they are not able to rank in the top 10 for important keywords.
Reasons Why an Online Store isn't Ranking in the Top 10 on Google
So the reason for that could be, first of all, they, don't have enough products, but that's not your fault. But you can indicate if you want to rank for a keyword with a high search volume, let's say washing machines, like we have seen in the first SCHOOL lesson, then you cannot have only six washing machines and compete against Walmart, Amazon and so on and so on. You need a bunch of washing machines. So the lowest limit you can consider, no matter, almost no matter what you're selling, is you should have at least six products. That means you can get into the top 100 with six products, but that won't do any magic to your revenue. If you have 12 maybe Google will consider showing you inside the top 20 and in some countries where the competition is not so big, you will also be able to rank in the top 10. So first make sure that the category of the online store, in this example washing machines, has at least 12 washing machines, so you have enough products. Among those products, they need also products which users want to buy. So if you're only, you you're being measured as an SEO Specialist, as an Ecommerce SEO Specialist, you're being measured by the revenue you have driven through organic Google results to that online store and if they don't have good enough products they will not convert, they will not buy. So those things you cannot directly influence, but you can say to your manager, to your CEO that they cannot expect rankings for washing machines inside top 10 if they don't have a lot of good products users can choose from. So that's the first thing. The other thing is these don't have enough link juice. What link juice is, how link juice is distributed is a big big lesson in further on in this course so I will not touch it just mention it. But the third thing is very important and that's the type of website, the type of the category, the type of page which is making the difference. So if you want to rank for washing machines inside Google you need a list of products with prices, delivery times and maybe some filter options that is considered a category. If your website is not built like that and is a presentation for three or four washing machines that won't do the job. Because Google wants for those keywords which are considered category keywords, they want to see as a result a category page. So let's take a look at example here too.
Analysis of the Category Pages for the Keyword "Washing Machine"
So if we look for washing machine in the USA, we have seen we have a search volume of 110,000, Again if you're not familiar with this tool Semrush, we will use it throughout the course. Get your 14 day trial, full trial with all features which is not usually the case with the link in that box and you can start using it to experimenting with it. And if you want to build an SEO career you should get that tool because we will use it every day in our course. So 110,000 people are searching for washing machine, we can see the top 10 results here and also use that function View SERPs. If you click on that we will see the results exactly like they were a few days ago or today the last scoll Semrush made how it looked like. So for washing machine we have some shopping results, paid shopping results and then Home Depot, Best Buy, Lowe's and Amazon and Whirlpool as the top five results, so let's take a look inside those. So if we go to Best Buy we see we have a c category page, a list of washing machines, different washing machines, there are many washing machines, they have 14 pages of washing machines. I think there are 243 items, so they have 243 washing machines, including some filter options. So that's the reason why they rank high, because they have enough products, they have a category page and users seem to be satisfied with it. And also their CTR is higher than Lowe's. So people click more on Best Buy than on Lowe's. How can I know that? Because CTR is the most important factor, if all other things are the same. So if we take a look at Lowe's we can see we have 268 products, again a bunch of washing machines, some filter options, it's a category page. If you go to Amazon, it's the same, we have 166 washing machines, we have some filter options and so on so on. It's a category page. If you go to Whirlpool, we can also see we have, how many washing machines, only three. Can that be true? Yes only three washing machines, it's the manufacturer Whirlpool, which has three different washing machines for the US market and still has some filter options. So having only three washing machines in a category setup let them to position number five inside that important category keyword called washing machines. If we take a look now at the result which I have found on, I don't know let's see, Kenmore, I think Kenmore was on place 50 or something like that. Kenmore, here Kenmore is 1 2 3 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50. Yeah it's somewhere on the 17th place and so on. So why can't they come inside the Google top 20, inside the Google top 10 results? Let's take a look how they build it. First of all they have not named their category washing machines, they called it washers, maybe somebody wanted to be a smartass inside the company and decided to use washers instead of washing machines, but if you look into washers and their search volume we can see that they only have 60,000 search volume monthly. So they have more than double, washing machines have more than double the search volume than washers, so why call them washers. But let's take a further look inside it. So we have a presentation of a washing machine and of some features and then a list of top load washers, that's all. We don't have a category page and that is the main reason why this page is not going to make it inside the top 10.
The Most Important SEO Tool?
So to remember and write down: before starting and building some things inside your online store, you need to analyze what the top 10 results for certain keyword look like. If you, let's say, want to rank for best washing machines, you will find that inside the top 10 most of the results are comparison articles, so they're writing about washing machines, features, they have a comparison table and so on. The difference is only between best washing machines and washing machines. But use the most important SEO tool which is between your ears, it's called your brain, to understand why. So if a user you don't know is searching for washing machine what is he supposedly searching for. For a new washing machine, so he wants to know what washing machines exist, which he can buy, which fits its budget and so on. Then later on he decides oh I don't know a lot about washing machines, I want to know what's the best washing machine or what's the Best Buy washing machine and googles best or Best Buy washing machine and gets an article where everything is written and they tell him this brand has great features, this has the Best Buy options and so on and then he knows, okay I want to get a Bosch washing machine model that that and that and start searching for that product. If you enter the model of that washing machine inside Google, what he will get, he will get product pages for that washing machine, not a category website, not an article, he will get get exactly the product inside the online store and be able to buy it, besides some price comparison engines where he can compare the price between certain online stores.
How to Improve a Category Page
So we will take a look at other manufacturers of washing machines. We have already seen Whirlpool, we have now seen Kenmore, let's take a look at Samsung. So Samsung has a big banner in their category, but still, below that, they have a category with a lot of washing machines and they're ranked somewhere on Place 12 or 13. They have 38 devices and what they can improve is that the users get to see their products even earlier and they don't need that banner. Exactly they made the same mistake as the other manufacturer which means they use the keyword washers for the category instead of washing machines, so it's harder to rank for washing machines if you call your category wrong. So the next one is Electrolux, again doing the same mistake calling it washers. They have only five washing machines but still they have a category page, they also have some filter options, so they could improve.And if you take a look at LG. LG is ranked below Samsung and those others It's because if you visit their washers category, it doesn't look at category until you start to scroll down and then you will see some washing machines and some filter options and they have 41 results.
That's it for that overview and now you have understood the most important factor, if you are not ranking inside top 10 or top 20 results, is to understand if you're trying to rank with the right page type inside Google. So for online stores that's most important, you can do all the magic with all the other ranking factors, even with CTR, but if you don't have the certain page type required for that keyword, you will not rank inside it. And the second thing is use the right keyword. So in the next lesson we will take a deeper look into other ranking factors and to understand the, I call them, magic circles of Ecommerce SEO and then you will understand why some online stores don't rank at all, what the problem could be, where you should look at and so on. But only by doing this optimization we have seen here: getting the right page type when you start to rank, improve your CTR or just take care before even getting the right page type, when doing the right page type, creating the right page type, get the right title tag, get the best meta description you can get out of your head, to get the best CTR no matter where you rank. So you can take this onto your journey and move faster than everyone else. And you will see that the things which we will talk about in the next lesson about the five magic circles, that one of those circles is more important than CTR, because you can care about CTR just at that point when you rank high enough. But what if you're not ranking at all, how you can find it and what detectives work you need to do and to understand. After the next lesson you will be enjoying this game, this enjoyable profession and see that is a lot of fun to find the reasons why things happen and the the good thing about is when you understand it it's completely logical that things happen the way they happen. Google is not a mysterious company, a mysterious engine and the algorithm is not mystery for you, because you understand how Google think. So in the next lesson you will get a deep Insight how Google has built the algorithm and what Googlebots are, how they think, how they move and how we can use that to our advantage.
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