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Become a high-paid certified Ecommerce SEO & AI Specialist with future-proof sophisticated skills without going to college!

SEOLAXY is perfect for:

SEO BeginnersIf you already know the SEO basics and want to get your first employment as an Ecommerce SEO Specialist.

SEO EnthusiasistsIf you are already working as an SEO Specialist and want to become an Ecommerce SEO Freelancer or Manager.
Career ChangersIf you are considering to start a high-paid career in digital marketing.
Online Store OwnersIf you want to understand Ecommerce SEO better to in order to manage processes.

Become a SEONAUT

Connect with like-minded SEO enthusiasts in our private SEOLAXY community. Learn together with other SEONAUTs who are watching the same lessons.
  • Join the Community: Toggle Icon Join us for discussions, link exchanges, a marketplace, and industry news while collaborating with fellow SEONAUTs.
  • Utilize Practical Resources: Toggle Icon Enhance your skills with valuable SEO & AI resources like audit checklists, developer tickets and implementation guides.
  • Engage with the Mentor: Toggle Icon Ask your mentor 1-on-1 questions for tailored insights. You can ask client-related questions, and your mentor will assist you.
  • Get Certified: Toggle Icon Become a Certified Ecommerce SEO & AI Specialist or Manager to increase your market value and have your profile listed on SEOLAXY. This will automatically attract regular job/project inquiries.

Boost your career and self-confidence by increasing your knowledge, which can skyrocket every project you work on!

Starting at only $17 monthly!

Frame Testimonials

I went through all the levels of this education. With his knowledge, experience, methods, and selflessness, Nedim inspired me and led me to fully dedicate myself to SEO. His exceptionally designed educations guide participants to overcome challenges and use their potential. I can happily say that I will be forever grateful to Nedim.
Zlata Garmendia Gonzales

Certified SEO Specialist @ Active Collab

As a 58-year-old who made his first money online in 1999, diligently following developments in the search engine field until 2014, I can rightfully say that Nedims’ courses effortlessly bridged a few years-long gap in this field for me. This best illustrates the top-notch quality of his lectures and the successful transfer of knowledge from the instructor to the student. As a student, I can only recommend his work, enthusiasm, and dedication to each student. I got easy-to-digest and organized knowledge that would have taken me a lot more time if I had opted for independent research. Applying the recommendations and advice generously shared, I quickly noticed significant progress – regardless of whether it was an online shop, blog, or affiliate site! His teaching style is very direct and relaxing (even fun), and you can immediately apply the knowledge you acquire.
Stevan Brankov

Business Consultant @ Smart Digit

These educational programs are the best on the internet in any domain, and I say this after attending numerous courses worth $3000+. What you will learn here is not just SEO, but also critical thinking and problem-solving. I know many people who applied the SEO knowledge they acquired from Nedim, and now they do what they love and they are very well paid for their work. If you are considering enrolling the SEOLAXY, do it right away because when it comes to SEO, you probably cannot spend your money more wisely.
Lazar Adzic

SEO Specialist @ Digital Silk

When I discovered these courses, I can confidently say – they changed my life. As a 19-year-old, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with my life, but digital marketing was always interesting to me. I was learning every day and went through all three courses. I couldn’t find a better option for my beginning, and in the middle of listening to these courses, I found my first client. After the collaboration with this client, I found a job in the US company Digital Silk, where I worked with different niches in the US market and created outstanding results. In 2023, I had a chance to be a guest speaker at the New York University. I want to thank Nedim for mentoring me with so much passion and love.
Pavle Sarcevic

SEO Specialist @ Digital Silk

I have been involved in digital marketing for over four years. I have implemented the experience and knowledge I gained from these courses and the growth in the number of views and visits to existing websites is clearly evident, which is undoubtedly the best result of what I have learned.
Snežana Vladulov

Founder @ SEO Sparkt

These courses have not only influenced my perception of the business for which I do SEO, but it also broadened my horizons in various SEO-related fields. I have confirmed and further expanded some of my existing knowledge. I heard many things for the first time here. Many of the things you will learn here are not available online at all. And even if they are, they are often explained very narrowly and not entirely clear. This is not an ordinary education but a masterpiece in the true sense, conducted by an individual with evidently vast experience and invaluable knowledge. I am particularly grateful to him for generously sharing this knowledge with us.
Vladimir Lalovic

Certified SEO Specialist

SEOLAXY is like an university but with one difference: Besides theoretical knowledge, Nedim imparts practical skills essential for real-time market situations. The skills he teaches us do not merely pertain to SEO or business philosophy. They extend to agile adaptation to fluctuations, sharp data analysis, dynamic strategy creation, and relentless testing and optimization – all guided by (as Nedim puts it) the most crucial SEO tool – the brain.
Mladen Krstovic

SEO Specialist @ Oxygen Advantage

These courses are the best investment of time and money one can make for its professional development. Nowhere else have I encountered such a comprehensive approach, along with practical advice on how to implement the knowledge you acquire. Before attending these courses, less than 10% of my job responsibilities were SEO-related. However, SEO has now become my primary job. I can finally make a tangible contribution to the growth of someone’s business by improving their online presence, and I am well-compensated for that skill.
Nevena Korac

SEO Specialist @ Outreach Mama

I have been actively engaged in SEO since 2013. Despite achieving good results with clients, attending these courses made me realize that my SEO knowledge was not even at the junior level. I have watched all courses. Today, I am very pleased with that decision. I earned back the money I invested even before the completion of the courses. In addition to valuable knowledge, I’ve gained the confidence to take on complex projects and significantly improve the SEO results of my long-term clients (to my satisfaction, and especially theirs).
Luka Maric

Project Manager @ Quantox Techology

After 6 years in marketing, I am finally exclusively working as an SEO, rather than being a jack of all trades. After completing the ACADEMY, I managed to get a job at an English SEO agency as an SEO Strategist! I enrolled in the ACADEMY to become a better marketing/SEO project manager, but I discovered that I can work as an SEO, not just watch how others do it. I resigned from my previous job during the ACADEMY, and with the knowledge Nedim shared with us, I was competitive in interviews among candidates with much more experience. After 13 years of working in architecture, my husband started listening to Nedim’s lectures so that he could also work online, and we could organize our lives outside offices and the local market. Now, we can work, live, and build a family anywhere we want, so we often mention Nedim as someone who has helped us to look at life a little differently.
Lola Culibrk

Certified Senior Technical SEO Specialist

Become a Frame

As a SEONAUT, you gain full access to the SEOLAXY, no matter which package you choose. The difference between packages? Just the number of extra gems you receive every 30 days. Community interaction is free, but you’ll use gems to unlock premium content like masterclass videos and valuable resources.

Need to consult with an SEO/AI mentor? Spend your gems for either private or public advice. Running low on gems? No problem – top up anytime, without waiting for a new month. Plus, any unused gems are rolled over to the next month, so you never lose out. You also have the flexibility to change your package as you wish, ensuring your SEO journey is always tailored to your needs.

monthly payment
Billed Monthly Billed Yearly -23%

This subscription is only bookable until October. Subscribers can keep it as long their wish, but others will not be able to choose it anymore!

monthly payment
Billed Monthly Billed Yearly -23%

This subscription is only bookable until November. Subscribers can keep it as long their wish, but others will not be able to choose it anymore!

monthly payment
Billed Monthly Billed Yearly -23%

Discover the advantages of being a SEONAUT – scroll down for details.

Pricing (Gems)

What are Gems?

In every subscription you will get a certain amount of gems per month. Gems are virtual tokens and not a currency. You can spend them only inside the SEOLAXY and can’t be refunded.

All community activities are free!

The biggest part of the SEOLAXY is our community, where every action is free for SEONAUTs. You can also earn gems by being helpful to other SEONAUTs.

What can I do with Gems?

You can use gems to unlock videos, download resources, ask questions and a lot more. Unused gems will be transferred to the next month.

You can earn Gems:

  1. By logging in everyday (3 gems)
  2. By recommending SEOLAXY (200 gems)
  3. Getting community awards
Gem Image

Price Examples:

Watching a masterclass video = 170 Downloading an audit Checklist = 1000 Downloading a ticket for pagination = 500 Download keyword calculation sheet = 100 Asking mentor a practical question = 500

What if I run out of Gems?

You don’t need to wait until the next month to fill up your gems, because you always have the option to buy additional gems in any given situation, as many times as you wish.


Elevate your career with our Ecommerce SEO certification. Our comprehensive program ensures you stand out in the competitive SEO landscape. Gain specialized knowledge and skills that make you an indispensable asset in the digital marketing world.

Why should you become a certified SEO & AI Specialist?

Becoming a certified SEO & AI Specialist not only enhances your expertise but also significantly boosts your career prospects. Specialize in the most profitable marketing channels, understand critical KPIs, and become a key player in your organization’s success. Our certification ensures you are well-equipped to handle real-world challenges and deliver exceptional results.

This is why SEOLAXY certificates matter

SEOLAXY certificates are recognized for their rigor and relevance in the industry. They validate your skills and knowledge, making you more attractive to potential employers and clients. By earning our certification, you demonstrate a commitment to excellence and a deep understanding of Ecommerce SEO.

Self-assurance and Confidence: Our certification boosts your confidence, equipping you with the skills and knowledge needed to tackle your first client or employer project with ease.
Higher starting wage: Certified specialists often command higher salaries due to their proven expertise and ability to deliver results.
Shorter probation period: Employers trust certified professionals, which can lead to shorter probation periods and quicker integration into your new role.
Access to certified-only group: Join an exclusive community of certified professionals for networking, support, and continuous learning.
Your Mentor vauching for you: Benefit from the endorsement of your mentor, adding credibility to your profile and increasing your chances of landing top projects.
Access to SEOLAXY jobs: Gain priority access to job opportunities within the SEOLAXY network, connecting you with employers seeking your certified expertise.

Certification Levels

Our certification program offers various levels to match your experience and career goals. Each level is crafted to ensure you gain the necessary skills and confidence to excel in your career. Choose the path that aligns with your goals and let SEOLAXY guide you to success.

Junior Certified Ecommerce SEO & AI Specialist NEXT EXAM: 17th July 2024, 7PM (GMT+1)
Who should get this certification? Arrow If you are seeking your first SEO client or job, you might find that many employers and clients struggle to choose from a large pool of applicants for Junior positions. A certification can help you stand out, but many other candidates may have one too. However, specializing in Ecommerce SEO can set you apart. This focus narrows down your potential employers or clients to those who value your specialized skills, often leading to higher salary opportunities. Moreover, your Ecommerce SEO certificate will likely be unique among applicants. Each certificate includes a QR code that allows employers or clients to verify your credentials and view your public SEOLAXY profile. They can see who you have learned from and understand that this certificate is awarded only to successful students, not just attendees. This verification process can convince discerning employers to give you a chance. Additionally, this certification boosts your confidence for your first client or employer project. You’ll be equipped to implement what you've learned in the structured manner we’ve taught, ensuring results that satisfy both you and your clients or employers.
Worldwide avg. Wage (yearly)
$21.600 EMPLOYEE
USA avg. Wage (yearly)
$27.600 EMPLOYEE
EU avg. Wage (yearly)
$25.500 EMPLOYEE
Certified Ecommerce SEO & AI Specialist NEXT EXAM: TBA
Who should get this certification? Arrow We always recommend starting your career by working for a company or, even better, an SEO or digital marketing agency that focuses on Ecommerce projects. Spending about two years in such a role will give you valuable perspective. After gaining this experience, consider becoming an Ecommerce SEO freelancer, even if just part-time, to boost your income more quickly.Potential clients will ask for references, and if you’ve followed our advice, you’ll have plenty. Your certificate, coupled with your references, will stand out as unique, often being the only Ecommerce-specific certification backed by numerous relevant references. This distinction can convince smart clients to give you a chance.Moreover, this certification will boost your confidence in handling your own client projects. You’ll be well-prepared to implement what you've learned in the structured manner we’ve taught, ensuring results that satisfy both you and your clients.
Worldwide avg. Wage (yearly)
$33.000 EMPLOYEE
USA avg. Wage (yearly)
$36.000 EMPLOYEE
EU avg. Wage (yearly)
$33.600 EMPLOYEE
Certified Senior Ecommerce Content SEO & AI Specialist NEXT EXAM: TBA
Who should get this certification? Arrow At the Senior stage, it is crucial to choose between specializing in Content Ecommerce SEO or Technical Ecommerce SEO. Specialization will significantly increase your hourly rate and make your skills more valuable to clients. It also allows for better measurement of the impact of your efforts. With a comprehensive list of Ecommerce SEO references, which you should have by this stage if you've followed the SEOLAXY path, you will attract more clients and ensure a steady income as a freelancer.Focusing on Content Ecommerce SEO will make you a master of keyword strategies, content creation, and on-page optimization. Working with enterprise clients will further enhance your experience and prepare you to raise your hourly rate even more. This experience will also give you insights into why and how you can open your own Ecommerce SEO agency.You can apply for this certification only after completing all SEOLAXY Masterclass lessons, as we stand behind our SEONAUTs and the value of all our certificates.
Worldwide avg. Wage (yearly)
$38.400 EMPLOYEE
USA avg. Wage (yearly)
$44.400 EMPLOYEE
EU avg. Wage (yearly)
$42.000 EMPLOYEE
Certified Senior Ecommerce Technical SEO & AI Specialist NEXT EXAM: TBA
Who should get this certification? Arrow At the Senior stage, it is crucial to choose between specializing in Content Ecommerce SEO or Technical Ecommerce SEO. Specialization will significantly increase your hourly rate and make your skills more valuable to clients. It also allows for better measurement of the impact of your efforts. With a comprehensive list of Ecommerce SEO references, which you should have by this stage if you've followed the SEOLAXY path, you will attract more clients and ensure a steady income as a freelancer.If you specialize in Technical Ecommerce SEO, your expertise in optimizing website infrastructure, improving site speed, and ensuring mobile-friendliness will set you apart. Working with enterprise clients will further enhance your experience and prepare you to raise your hourly rate even more. This experience will also give you insights into why and how you can open your own Ecommerce SEO agency.You can apply for this certification only after completing all SEOLAXY Masterclass lessons, as we stand behind our SEONAUTs and the value of all our certificates.
Worldwide avg. Wage (yearly)
$38.400 EMPLOYEE
USA avg. Wage (yearly)
$44.400 EMPLOYEE
EU avg. Wage (yearly)
$42.000 EMPLOYEE
Certified Ecommerce SEO & AI Manager NEXT EXAM: TBA
Who should get this certification? Arrow An Ecommerce SEO Manager possesses extensive and deep knowledge of Ecommerce SEO. This role goes beyond classical management, as it often involves responsibility for the main revenue channel and the most profitable marketing channel. You need to understand your KPIs and SEO priorities, making you one of the most crucial people in the command chain.As an employee, this stage offers an above-average management salary. However, as a freelancer, you can earn at least three times more, often while working less. This is the perfect stage to start building your Ecommerce SEO agency and begin hiring employees. You will have a clear understanding of who you need and how much to pay them. Adhering to the Ecommerce SEO concept is essential for selling the company later on.This certification will help you attract enterprise clients, adding to your impressive Ecommerce SEO references. More importantly, it signals that you are ready to take the next big step—employing others and scaling your agency. SEOLAXY will offer a specialized course in 2025 on how to open and set up an Ecommerce SEO agency, followed by a course on scaling the agency, and finally, a course on successfully selling an Ecommerce SEO agency. If this path appeals to you, obtain this certificate as soon as possible.
Worldwide avg. Wage (yearly)
$63.600 EMPLOYEE
USA avg. Wage (yearly)
$69.600 EMPLOYEE
EU avg. Wage (yearly)
$67.200 EMPLOYEE

More than a Community

Without our community, the SEOLAXY would simply be a valuable learning resource for Ecommerce SEO and AI. However, our dedicated SEONAUTs have fostered a friendly and supportive atmosphere, perfect for learning, sharing experiences, and growing your network.

Learn alongside fellow SEONAUTs engaged in the same course as you.
Share experiences with others, nurturing a collaborative learning space.
Broaden your network by connecting with SEO & AI Specialists around the globe.
The vibrant energy of our community has led to many SEONAUTs becoming friends, some even marrying with the arrival of SEONAUT babies! Beyond regular online engagement, we also connect through meetings around the world, both online and offline.

SEONAUTs can use their gems to download resources, each with its own gem cost.


Implementing Ecommerce SEO & AI involves complex technical tasks that can sometimes disrupt your existing efforts. To help you navigate these challenges smoothly, we’ve developed valuable resources, including comprehensive checklists, agile developer task tickets, and vital management flows and charts. These tools are designed to effectively manage critical scenarios such as website relaunches, expansions, or domain restructuring, ensuring you minimize potential errors and maintain your hard-earned progress.


For complex tasks, every step matters. Our checklists ensure reliability and confidence, while our additional resources support your efforts throughout.

DEV Ticket Templates

Crafting precise and agile-approved tickets for developers is crucial for timely implementations, protecting your budget and meeting your deadlines.

Flows & Charts

Certain complex tasks require subtasks to be completed in a specific sequence for satisfactory results. Therefore, we’ve developed flows and charts to guide you.

SEONAUTs can use their gems to download resources, each with its own gem cost.

Learn from a Mentor with over 23 years of experience in SEO

Nedim brings a remarkable 23 years of experience in SEO, beginning his journey with affiliate projects even before Google was founded. In high school, he developed a crawling bot that outpaced Yahoo’s. By college, he was already an SEO Manager for major entities like ThyssenKrupp, the world’s largest steel manufacturer, and a prominent German lawyer services directory. Nedim’s educational background in computer science and informational design is complemented by extensive hours spent in UX labs, solidifying his expertise in the field.

Immediately following college, Nedim established his first venture—an SEO agency. His expertise has significantly boosted the online revenue and profits of companies such as REWE, a leading supermarket and online marketplace; BOSCH; Avalon Hosting, which was later acquired by Cyberfolks; Crowdfox, an Enterprise SaaS; and Shoppster, a global marketplace, among others.

Nedim’s teaching approach is well-organized, inspiring, and highly engaging. His SEO courses, both free and paid, have been transformative for over 1000 SEONAUTs. An acclaimed speaker at SEO and digital marketing conferences, Nedim, as the founder of the Ecommerce SEO agency “BIGBURG,” focuses on integrating Ecommerce SEO strategies for their online stores and enterprise clients.

He is committed to offering the finest Ecommerce SEO course online, with a substantial portion available for free. Nedim’s goal is to enable people to board the digital train, secure high-paying SEO & AI positions, and live their dream life. Additionally, he co-founded “Konverzija,” the largest digital marketing conference in the Southeastern Europe, and has authored numerous digital marketing strategies, drawing on his profound understanding of various digital marketing channels and their interconnectedness.

Ask a Question

The opportunity to ask your mentor questions is invaluable, but due to the mentor's time constraints and the high volume of inquiries received daily across various channels, we've established some guidelines to ensure you receive quick, reliable answers.

For General Inquiries: If your question is about the SEOLAXY platform, courses, payment, billing, or other general issues, and you're not a SEONAUT, please email SEONAUTs should use our dedicated support system for a streamlined response.

For Theoretical SEO/AI Questions: Post your question in the comments of a relevant SEOLAXY YouTube video for a response within 10-14 days. SEONAUTs, however, can expect faster replies by posting in our community.

For Practical SEO/AI Questions: SEONAUTs with specific queries about a project or client can utilize the "Ask a Question" section. Here, you can ask publicly or privately and pay for expedited advice from your mentor. This fast-track service is exclusively for SEONAUTs, highlighting one of the many benefits of joining our community.

Click to see how it works

The History of  Frame

The SEOLAXY journey began as the “Evening SEO School,” a series of free live streams launched at the onset of the pandemic in 2020. As the sessions progressed, what started as an SEO course evolved into something far greater. Participants forged connections, laying the foundation for what is now the SEOLAXY community – a vibrant network of individuals who actively support one another, share knowledge, and exchange experiences with generosity. This ethos of unselfish sharing and community support has been a hallmark of the SEOLAXY, guided by Nedim’s leadership from day one to the present.

The unexpected kick-off during the pandemic
During a time when loneliness and job insecurity were rampant, Nedim spontaneously initiated an online SEO course via Twitch streams. His goal was simple: to assist and engage a small circle of friends. However, these casual two-hour sessions quickly captivated a wider audience, eager to delve into the world of SEO. Before long, the daily streams were attracting over 300 students, leading to demands for these sessions to be accessible on YouTube. This marked the inception of the “SEO School” YouTube channel, which grew to feature 45 informative videos, effectively turning a moment of uncertainty into an educational cornerstone for many.
Launch of paid SEO courses
In May, we started a new chapter with the introduction of Medior SEO and Senior SEO courses on Patreon. These sessions, conducted live, further expanded our thriving community. We opened the doors for our students to earn certification as SEO specialists, alongside creating a public directory of certified professionals. Moreover, we began matching our students with their first SEO job opportunities. Our commitment to educational content remained strong, with a total of 55 videos released on YouTube, complemented by 18 Medior and 16 Senior SEO lessons on Patreon, enriching our students’ learning journey.
Growing recognition of our SEO certificates

Our journey of providing free SEO education on YouTube continued, alongside the sale of our course recordings. We conducted comprehensive preparations for the final exams, which led to a surge in the number of certified students. These certificates quickly earned recognition and acceptance across the industry, particularly among digital marketing and SEO agencies. This acknowledgment translated into a significant demand for our certified graduates, many of whom rapidly progressed in their careers. Additionally, we launched a monthly “SEO News” segment on our YouTube channel, further enriching our content library with a total of 58 videos published.

Surge in Community Engagement

The remarkable achievements of our students spurred a wave of new members joining our community, swelling our ranks to nearly 3800 participants in our free community. This surge created a supportive and dynamic environment. Given the sheer volume of inquiries directed at Nedim, we made a pivotal change: only paid members (SEONAUTs) were given the privilege to ask direct questions. However, Nedim remained committed to fostering growth among newcomers, actively responding to questions in YouTube comments and providing the necessary inspiration for many to dive into SEO and pivot their career paths. The impact was profound, with numerous SEONAUTs achieving outstanding success in their projects and careers, some even launching their own SEO agencies. In our continued effort to democratize SEO knowledge, we kept publishing free SEO content on YouTube, reaching a milestone of 65 videos.

The birth of the SEOLAXY

Until 2024, our platform, previously known as SEO SCHOOL, exclusively featured content aimed at students from Central and Southeastern Europe. This year, we’ve undertaken a significant transformation, evolving into the SEOLAXY – a comprehensive rebranding that introduces all content in English, supplemented with subtitles in various widely spoken languages to cater to a global audience. While our core focus remains on SEO and AI, the SEOLAXY’s content, entirely fresh for 2024, narrows in on the niche of E-Commerce SEO. The reasons behind this strategic shift? We’re excited to reveal them in our inaugural lesson. Moreover, we’ve made joining the ranks of SEONAUTs more accessible than ever, ensuring that all members have the opportunity to pose questions directly to their mentor within the SEOLAXY. This enhancement is coupled with a dedicated community platform, fostering ongoing connections and mutual support among SEONAUTs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we issue invoices with a German VAT number for both individuals and companies.
Yes, your company can pay the membership fee for you. This option will be appear during the registration process under the payment method. Group purchasing for multiple employees under the same account is currently not available.
Our oldest SEONAUT was 56 when he started learning SEO, now he is 60 and working as an SEO Specialist. Our youngest SEONAUT was 16 when he joined the SEOLAXY and is now teaching SEO at the NYU.

The SEOLAXY is a project of the German company BIGBURG GmbH.

Please contact us at, and we will do our best to resolve your issue as quickly as possible.

Please forward the payment confirmation to We will do our best to resolve your issue as quickly as possible.

The packages differ only in the number of gems they include. There are no limitations regarding the availability of content and platform functionalities. The packages are designed to meet your needs according to your current level of knowledge and experience. So, if you’re new to SEO, the EXPLORER package should meet your needs. If you do have experience in SEO, go for the SPECIALIST package. The FREELANCER package is the best option if you have your own business or plan to start one.

No, it is not possible to share the account with multiple people. Those who attempt to do so will have their account deactivated without any prior warning.
Yes, you will have access to the content you paid for until the cancellation of your membership. However, you will no longer have access to the community, and you won’t be able to ask questions.
It depends on the complexity of the question. However, the average response time is two to three business days.
The available payment methods are Credit/Debit Card and PayPal. If you choose the annual payment option, you can also pay via wire transfer.
Yes, we have an affiliate program. Every SEONAUT gets a referral coupon with which both he and the new user get 200 gems each.
The subscription management option is available in the “Subscription” section within your profile.
You can upgrade your membership by going to your profile and clicking “Upgrade your level” under “Package level” section.
Whenever you run out of gems, a popup message asking if you want to top up gems will appear on your screen. Another way to get more gems is to go to “Buy Gems” section within your profile.

Become a Frame

As a member, you have access to everything inside the SEOLAXY, not depending on the package you chose. The community is completely free. For all other parts of SEOLAXY, you are using your gems to unlock content you want to access.

Smaller Plan


monthly payment
Billed Monthly Billed Yearly -23%

This subscription is only bookable until October. Subscribers can keep it as long their wish, but others will not be able to choose it anymore!


monthly payment
Billed Monthly Billed Yearly -23%

This subscription is only bookable until November. Subscribers can keep it as long their wish, but others will not be able to choose it anymore!


monthly payment
Billed Monthly Billed Yearly -23%
Bigger Plan
Smaller Plan
Bigger Plan
Already a SEONAUT? Login